Saturday, April 23, 2005

The Final Push

Well there is 20 days or so to go before this sem ends. Its been hectic for some time now and there doesnt seem to be a let up ahead. :) And like in most cases its just a matter of one final push. Now why does that sound familiar. ;)

Had a presentation which went beautifully and got a great reception. This is one thing I always have liked, speaking in public. There is something about standing in front of an audience and speaking that gives me a kick. Strange, considering I hate being the focus of any attention off the stage. Weird, some would call it ;) But it felt satisfying to have set the record straight after the fiasco that was the last presentation.:)

Came back absolutely exhausted after meeting my advisor and was itching to play some cricket. There is nothing like a session of cricket to revitalise the soul and mind. Unfortunately, the weather gods weren't too obliging and it was raining all day yesterday and the prediction is for more rain over the weekend and the early part of next week. Given the soaking the pitch is going to get I can only hope we get to play sometime next week. We decided to use the opportunity to get some more work done on the backyard on the playing area. The thing about the rain here is that it cant seem to make up its mind whether it wants to come down in one hell of a downpour or stop. The result is this painful persistent drizzle. How I miss the rain of Mumbai. There is an upshot to the whole rain situation though and that is the effect it has on the many PYT's around. They tend to stand out like a beacon of joy on a gloomy rainy day if you know what I mean ;)

Well its time to end here... over and out people..


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