Monday, April 18, 2005


Its been a while since I posted anything on the blog. To be frank I havent felt like writing and the last thing I want to do is to try and force myself to write. :) I guess attempting to force anyone to do anything would be a mistake. ;) I think this is also the main reason why I would not want to take up writing as a career choice. A lot of people at various times have asked me what I was doing in engineering when I like writing so much. The simple answer is im afraid. That in short would be the honest truth. ;) The fear is that if I take up writing as a career and consequently am forced to write to earn my living I might lose that love for writing. The other fear is that the standard of writing expected out of a professional writer is much higher than that expected from an amateur writer who primarily writes for the joy of it, and I might not live up to that standard.

Engineering is something that comes pretty naturally as well and if you look at it carefully engineering isnt too different from writing. One of my advisors in engineering who was a whiz in systems and an equal whiz in poetry once told me that and Im inclined to agree. How and why is for another day :) There is pleasure to be derived from interacting with complex systems and complex people.;) Its as much fun as enjoying the simple things in life. :)

Well its the fag end of the semester and it brings with it all the normal project submissions and other miscellaneous issues. This time around I hope to be well on top of all of them.

Going to end with something that struck me as quite poignant.

Camouflaged as virtue in all its splendour,
vanity lurks,
ready to strike and devour
The ambitious are its staple diet,
for they are attracted to its glitter.
The religious fall prey to vanity,
for they become obsessed with salvation.
The wise become victims of vanity,
for they fall in love with the concepts of virtue.


Blogger Calvin said...

as i said recently somewhere.. with the blog however it's been fun, and i feel under no pressure to post regularly.. of course the day that happens then it just might be time to move on!.. if it has to happen, it will. :-)

11:06 AM  
Blogger PIV said...

very true.. :) It has been great fun so far to try out what is essentially a different style of writing.

7:31 AM  

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