Wednesday, June 01, 2005


HIGHLY ABSTRACT LONG POST WARNING... all sleepyheads go directly to the end ;)


The most underrated word in the current age is this. In an era that prides in "individualistic freedom" we forget the age old adage that I first learnt in civics class in school and considered rubbish and realised the importance of much later. With certain rights comes responsibilities. Some of us choose to take up responsibilities while others have it thrust upon them. What we choose to do with it is our choice.

Something the dean said during the graduation ceremony struck as poignant. He talked about how America had a lot to learn about moving a little away from individual freedom and realise that there is something known as a collective responsibility. The effects of one without the other is evident in American society and slowly in the American economy as it struggles to compete with growing global competition. And sadly today India moves in the opposite direction. We today in our quest for personal freedom move towards a dysfunctional society and a lost generation.

Let me quote an IIT alumni, Gururaj Deshpande from his keynote speech a long time back where he talks of what allowed him to achieve the things he did.

The first generation of Indians to enjoy freedom could do little but focus on trying to survive. From that era, we learned discipline, frugality, and the amazing potential that comes from hard work.

Only with the second generation are we beginning to test our capacity to create, improve, and contribute to society. It is the self-expression that comes with freedom and something that has brought our culture farther, faster than we might ever have dared imagine just 50 years ago.

We are the fruit of two generations of hard work, discipline, commitment and creativity.

Today the alumni talk of what needs to be done to manufacture similar success stories from the new generation. That in itself tells us a story, doesnt it .. that we are attempting to manufacture because none exists :) Are we still pushing the boundaries, are we still challenging the limits of the possible in terms of serious concrete content and not some of the frivolous activities that masquerades as creativity under the cloak of something different . Is this generation reaping the fruits of the previous generations and frittering away the advantage like the new generation of japanese kids did. The condition of japanese society should have been a case in point for us. An unstable dysfunctional society, no new innovation, a generation that puts a premium on individuality more than responsibility makes for a perfect recipe for chaos. As Nats put it and its a theory i believe in to some extent considering I did a whole undergrad thesis trying to prove it, is that chaos leads to something new and better. Well that could indeed happen but chaos is an extremely dangerous space. It can lead to beautiful structures or can collapse into nothingness. Eitherways its not without misery and its a scary thought.


Work has been good and have been pushing forward in the areas that need attention, albeit a little slowly. Considerable thought, effort and attention will have to go into areas that hopefully will come to fruition some months down the line.

I should be looking forward to a few more "discussions" in the days to come. Thats always a pleasant thought considering that its something I do look forward to a lot, nonsense or otherwiset :D I should really stop here ... over and out folks.


Blogger Natasha said...

its amazing what we get out of these discussions, I got a completely different aspect of your personality...which, by the way the women you know, if they heard what I heard, would be up in arms;)

2:37 PM  
Blogger PIV said...

well nats.. i never claimed to have a single faceted personality did I..and tat extends to other things as well ;)

Well as for the other point.. it shouldnt matter a damn to anyone what I think as long as they are convinced of what they are doing. I just mentioned the price that I thought was being paid and what I thought was part of the problem. I will be the last person to try and enforce what I think on others and the people (including women) I know, know that. You should know I hate telling people what they should do and people telling me what I should do.;) As for being up in arms I know a few situations where that might be handy.. :p

They also know that I tend to be forthright and frank.. in fact I wish a few of them would believe that Im forthright and frank.. :p

3:57 PM  

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